Why Sugar Instead of Wax?
Waxing is a popular & easily accessible method for body hair removal……….but once you try sugaring we bet you never go back to waxing!!!
· Sugaring uses only natural ingredients. The preparation is 100% natural, contains water and sugar, with no chemical, fragrance or coloring. It is hypoallergenic, causes no skin irritation. It is so natural that sweet-toothed person can even eat it! Waxing is made of resins and often toxic chemicals as well. These ingredients are often irritating, if not toxic, to the skin. · Sugaring paste is applied at body temperature & will not burn your skin. Hot wax must be heated to a high degree in order to become liquified which can cause burning & scarring.
· Sugar paste can be cleaned up easily with water. You will never leave a Sugaring treatment feeling sticky. Since wax contains resins, chemical solvents are required to remove it’s residues.
· Sugar cannot adhere to live skin cells. This means less discomfort for you & less trauma to your skin. Sugaring does remove dead skin cells – so as the hair is removed your skin is also getting exfoliated! Wax has been known to remove more than just the hair, since it can adhere directly to live skin cells, which makes waxing more painful & irritating. Wax cannot be applied to an area more than twice at the most.
· Sugaring Paste is hypoallergenic & non-comedogenic. Sugar naturally helps control cross contamination & bacteria cannot breed in the tub of sugar. Cross contamination in a waxing room is always a danger, especially since bacteria will breed inside a tub of wax.
· Using the Advanced Sugaring Technique the paste wraps around the hair making it pliable. The hair is removed out of the follicle only in the natural direction of growth, which helps to extract the hair intact. One of the most common problems waxers face is early regrowth due to broken hairs. Waxing can leave 15% – 30% breakage behind. Since wax hardens on the hair, it has the tendency to break it off at the surface, rather than pull it out.
· The Advanced Sugaring Technique requires less than 1/8 inch of hair (or 5 – 7 days growth after shaving) for successful extraction. Wax products require that you grow the hair out at least 1/3 inch before your next waxing. (or 2 – 3 weeks growth after shaving).